Lashmars Invitation Cup, 2014

Fencing made a return to the New Milton Pageant of Sport on Sat. 16th June with youngsters of all shapes and sizes participating in our taster sessions.
Photo: Clive Turner giving an introduction to a tiny fencer! — at New Milton & District Rugby Club.
Lymington & Sway Fencing Club presents:
The Lashmars Invitation Cup
Sunday 27th April, 10am-3pm
Walhampton School, Lymington. SO41 5ZG Continue reading
A reminder from Fiona Loughran, the Southern Region Competitions Secretary, that the closing date approaches.
With thanks to all those who have already submitted their entries for this competition on Sunday 9 March a reminder that the closing date is fast approaching so please get your entries in by 10pm on Saturday 1 March. Continue reading
Reminder: the next masterclass with Level 4 coach Alan Knowles takes place on Sunday 2 March at Priestlands.
The session will run in the studio and is open to all ages and all weapons.
Please register your interest at the club session on Tuesday or by email and the session plan will be updated this week.
The next Southern Region Hub Training Day is Sunday 23 February.
This is a perfect chance to get an extra day’s training in advance of the Age Group Épée and Sabre BYC Qualifiers on 9th March. There will be great coaches working with all three weapons.
Of course, the development day isn’t just for youth, and isn’t just about competition. It’s a great opportunity to pick up some extra help with your weapon, or even spend some time working on your second weapon.
Register for the training day here:
And get your entries in for the age group qualifiers here:
We will be holding two masterclasses with Level 4 coach Alan Knowles on two Sundays in the New Year:
Not only useful training for those competing this season, but a chance to work with a top coach in the region.
The session will run from 10am until approximately 3.30pm and is open to all ages and all weapons. Continue reading
This is a current list for the Hampshire and Southern Region 2013-14 season.
The combined fixture list is tabled below: Continue reading